Freelance Software Developer

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the web.

For my latest ramblings, see my blog.

For more about the real me, see my about page (includes my resume).

However, if you're here looking for a coder, read on!

Contract Programming and Consulting

The primary value I provide: Lower Total Cost of Ownership

Yes, I'm a coder, but more than that, I'm a software craftsman and pragmatist.

The craftsman part of me puts a lot of value in writing quality software that will pass the test of time by writing cleaner and more maintainable code

The pragmatic side of me tempers everything I do with a strong focus on ROI

In short, I will either create something for you (new product/feature), or enhance your existing product such that it will ultimately cost you less money! Strong words, yes, but I have over a decade of experience that helps me say them with confidence.

How I can help you...

Application Development

If your project is built (or to be built) on the Microsoft web stack (ASP.NET, C#, HTML, Javascript, etc.), I will more than likely be able to help you greatly. All of my experience is with large enterprise applications built on the MS stack. The vast majority of those applications were web apps (primarily enterprise intranet websites).

Application Integration

Enterprise / business applications almost always integrate with other applications (SOA). Interactions between applications can be extremely brittle and are known to be quite difficult to manage. I can help with managing this or even with improving what is already in place.

Solution Architecture

Architecting a new or growing software project is a daunting task to many. I can help you with everything from organizing the internal Visual Studio projects within a single solution to architecting the interactions between the various high level components of an entire software suite.

Contact me


I’m very good about reading and returning email, and generally prefer it over the phone. If you’d like to talk though, just send me your number and the best time to call.

I look forward to hearing from you.